Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Things to Know to Cloth Diaper Successfully

I tried to research cloth diapers before buying. Much of what I read consisted of, 'try different things until you find what works for your baby.' While it's true that everyone needs to experiment to find their preferred style (all-in-one, pocket, flats, prefolds, hybrid, etc), there are a few things I wish I had known beforehand.

1. If you are planning on using a diaper to as part of an outfit, purchase several of the same color (all-in-one or pocket) so you can keep baby color-coordinated throughout the day. If you are using a cover, you probably only need two of the same color. (When you are using a cover, you only need to change the soiled insert or the fitted diaper.) Free tip: It's a good idea to look through baby's wardrobe before ordering diapers....

2. Bamboo is WAY more absorbent than cotton. It's totally worth the extra money.

3. Snaps are awesome, but be careful not to pinch the chubby baby leg fat in them. I've done this three times now....and felt AWFUL about it every time. That's a plus for velcro-no pinched babies. 

4. Usually you can just lay a prefold inside the diaper cover-it doesn't have to be wrapped around baby's rear!

5. Online cloth diaper stores have regular sales and coupons. Closeout colors and factory seconds sell for a reduced price. Building a stash doesn't have to be expensive!

Good luck with your cloth diapering experience! Sometimes it takes a few weeks (or months) to feel confident, but stick with it! It will eventually seem as easy as disposables. 

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