Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Toddler Snacks-Feeding a Picky (Selective) Eater

Little K would try anything from six to nine months of age. Everyone exclaimed over how well she ate. "It's wonderful that she likes vegetables already." Hmmm.....maybe they jinxed us.

Now mealtimes are filled with Little K systemically clearing her tray by picking up each food and throwing it on the floor. Ugh. But she needs to EAT!!!! So....I feed her when she's hungry (which is all the time) with healthy foods that she can carry around with her. Toddlers require constant supervision anyway, but be extra vigilant when your little one is snacking. You don't want him to choke. 

For some reason, toddlers seem to have this insane urge to be in constant motion.  Dr. Sears in The Baby Book suggests using a tray with a variety of healthy snacks to provide toddlers with on-the-go options. Little K would just dump that all over the floor! But, I did take his advice to offer snacks. Sometimes I put yogurt melts/cheerios/puffs in her toy cup, other times I pull off a few strings of cheese or break off a cracker. 

Little K also loves to sample my cooking ingredients! A strip of green pepper or a few shreds of cheese keep her busy long enough for me to mix up a quick meal.

Here is a quick list of ideas:

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